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Baltimore County Rental Inspection

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Baltimore County Rental Inspection Services

Rental Inspection

INSPECTION CRITERIA Inspectors look for the following:
Smoke detectors Carbon monoxide alarms are installed in the common area outside of sleeping areas and on every level of the dwelling unit Electrical system has no apparent visual hazards All plumbing is functional with no apparent visual hazards All windows designed to be opened are operational
All combustion appliances (furnace, hot water heater, dryer, etc.) are properly vented Secondary means of escape from sleeping areas exist with no exterior health or safety hazards

All rental properties with six or fewer dwelling units must be inspected. Have an inspection performed by a state-licensed home inspector external link. The inspector must complete an Inspection Sheetpdf for each unit you intend to rent.
If the inspector is licensed external link or accredited with the state to perform both lead and home inspections, they can perform both required inspections for properties built prior to 1978.Apartment complexes and dwellings with seven or more dwelling units that cannot self- certify must submit Multifamily Inspection formpdf for each unit inspected.

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Inspection Sheet completed by a licensed home inspectorexternal link in Step 2 above Lead inspection certificate if the home or dwelling unit was built before 1978
A New Tenant Information form
Please be sure to check that your rental property complies with all the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations. To locate your Zoning Designation, visit My Neighborhood.
To apply for or renew your license online, you’ll need:
A valid email address
A Visa or Mastercard to pay applicable fees
All documentation from Step 3 above
You will be required to create an account and accept terms of use before beginning your

Choose Baltimore County Rental Inspection

Start by selecting from our wide range of home inspection services tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring a thorough evaluation of your future home.

Select Your Date and Time

Convenience is key in the home-buying process. Choose the date and time that works best for you. Plus, enjoy a $20 discount when you schedule your inspection online, or feel free to give us a call to arrange your appointment.

Same-Day Delivery Report

After your inspection, expect to receive a detailed, digital report on the same day. Our modern, user-friendly reports provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about your investment.


Requirements: Time and date stamped photos of front and back facades of home, including yards taken by Licensed Home Inspector must be
attached to this inspection sheet. One “Rental License Inspection Sheet” must be returned for each unit in a dwelling.

1. Rental Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code:___________Unit #:____________________

2. Person requesting inspection:

Name:____________________________ Email:_______________________________Address:____________________________________________Zip Code:_________Phone:______________

Check one: Owner [    ]    Manager [    ] Resident Agent [    ] Others [    ]

3. Inspector Information:


Company Name:______________________________________State License #:______________________________________________

4. Type of Home: Single Family Detached [     ]  Rowhome/Townhome [     ]  Duplex [     ]  Multi-Unit  [     ]  Condo  [     ]

5. Checklist (items A-G must be marked “YES”, Item H “YES” or “N/A” and Item I marked “NO” before submitting form to County):

ItemsYes or NoDateRe-Inspection Y/NRe-Inspection Date
A) A hardwired & battery backed interconnected smoke detectors must be present and operational on every level excluding unoccupied attics, garages or crawl spaces. Wireless remote interconnection is acceptable as long as the smoke detectors are hardwired and approved by a recognized testing lab such as UL and be listed and approved for sale, installation and use in Maryland by the Office of the State Fire Marshal. To ensure interconnection works properly, units must be same manufacturer. Smoke alarm units 10 years or older must be replaced. This means 10 years from
the date of manufacture printed on the back of the alarm. If you can't find a date, your smoke alarm
needs to be replaced.

Built Prior to July 1, 2013
Single Family Home

1. A hardwired smoke detector with a battery backup must be located in the corridor or hallway
outside of sleeping areas and on every level of the dwelling unit.

2. If the home has a basement, a hardwired smoke detector with a battery backup must also be
located in the basement, and must be interconnected to the smoke detectors on all levels of the
dwelling unit.

Homes with 2 or 3 Apartments

A hardwired smoke detector with a battery backup must be located in the corridor or hallway outside of
sleeping areas and on every level of the dwelling unit including the basement. Basement smoke
detector must be interconnected to the smoke detector on the first floor only.

Homes with 4-6 Apartments

1. A hardwired interconnected smoke detector with a battery backup must be located in the corridor or
hallway outside the sleeping area and on every level of the dwelling unit.

2. A hardwired smoke detector is required in the basement for homes with 4-6 apartments but does
not have to be interconnected.

Built On or After July 1, 2013
Smoke detectors must also be present in each sleeping area. Alarms must be interconnected if two or
more are required.
B) Electrical wires are not visible in living areas.
C) There is hot and cold running water in kitchen and each bathroom with no leaks below sink area and
all toilets flush.
D) There are no sleeping areas in the basement or if there is a sleeping area in the basement, there is a
secondary means of escape as follows: basement window with minimum 5.7 sq. ft. opening with sill
height 44 inches or less from floor OR basement door with thumb turn dead bolt.
E) The furnace is either operational or because of outside temperatures it is unable to be tested
F) Hand Railing is present for interior and exterior steps with more than 3 risers.
G) Homes with 2-6 units; Wood balcony railings meet the requirements of the minimum livability
H) Carbon monoxide detectors are present on every level of the dwelling and audible in sleeping areas.
I) Are there any other readily observable problems that in the inspector’s opinion represent an
immediate threat to the health or safety of occupant? If “yes,” please attached additional information.

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FAQS About Baltimore County Rental Registration

Properties with six or fewer dwelling units need a state-licensed inspection. For
properties with more than six units, a Multifamily Inspection Form submission is required
unless self-certification is possible.

Only state-licensed inspectors are authorized. They must fill out an Inspection Sheet for
each unit. Inspectors qualified for both lead and home inspections can cover both
requirements for pre-1978 properties.

Inspections check for smoke detectors, carbon monoxide alarms, electrical and plumbing
safety, operational windows, proper ventilation of appliances, and safe secondary escape

Costs are negotiated between the property owner and the inspector, as Baltimore County
does not set inspection rates.

An Inspection Sheet, lead inspection certificate for older homes, and tenant information
forms are among the required documents.

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