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Baltimore County Rental Inspection

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Baltimore County Rental Inspection Services

Rental Inspection

INSPECTION CRITERIA Inspectors look for the following:
Smoke detectors Carbon monoxide alarms are installed in the common area outside of sleeping areas and on every level of the dwelling unit Electrical system has no apparent visual hazards All plumbing is functional with no apparent visual hazards All windows designed to be opened are operational
All combustion appliances (furnace, hot water heater, dryer, etc.) are properly vented Secondary means of escape from sleeping areas exist with no exterior health or safety hazards

All rental properties with six or fewer dwelling units must be inspected. Have an inspection performed by a state-licensed home inspector external link. The inspector must complete an Inspection Sheetpdf for each unit you intend to rent.
If the inspector is licensed external link or accredited with the state to perform both lead and home inspections, they can perform both required inspections for properties built prior to 1978.Apartment complexes and dwellings with seven or more dwelling units that cannot self- certify must submit Multifamily Inspection formpdf for each unit inspected.

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